The Happiness of Pursuit

This site has been in my head for some time now: a place to share stories and photos from my many travels, as well as post my tour directing schedule and other tour-related info.  Tomorrow’s launch of Chris Guillebeau‘s new book The Happiness of Pursuit was what made me sit down while on tour and actually CREATE  it.

I’m bouncy-joyous about this book, because: 1) well, new Chris Guillebeau book! Talking about his amazing quest to travel to every country in the world before the age of 35 (which he did)!  and 2) My story is part of the story.  Chris actually writes about my Route 66 quest / career redefinition in his new book.  Perhaps like most people whose actions and lives apparently inspire others, I’m somewhat perplexed by this (“what, me?!!?”), but crazy-stupid-honoured to be included.

I’m only about halfway through the book so far (see anticipated future posts on “juggling the demands of tour directing high season and your personal life”) but I’m absolutely loving it.  It’s so inspiring to read about these incredible fellow questers who were compelled to commit to such big, unique, and sometimes very personal journeys – especially at a time in my life when I’m looking to fine-tune my own life path.  If you are looking for something to light a match under your butt and get you moving in your life, with passion and purpose, this is a book you should read.

The Happiness of Pursuit officially launches tomorrow, Sept.9 – but is already available for purchase.

Read, enjoy, dream, act. xo